Fair Trade & Gift Shop

Five reasons to visit the Rotary Fair Trade & Gift Shop
Upon entering our shop, you will find yourself lost amongst our many treasures. Pre-loved and lovingly made, items are passed between many hands to end up on our shelves before you. You’ll find...

East Timor Flood Relief
Right now, there is an urgent need for extra support resulting from the catastrophic floods and landslides in recent days.
Please help the people ...

The NAIDOC 2021 theme – Heal Country! – calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites a...

Benefits of buying Fair Trade products
Fair Trade allows us to build the basis for connecting producers from disadvantaged locations with consumers that can have value added from utilis...

Alola Fair in Timor Leste
Photos of from the Alola Fair in Timor Leste. This was through one of the Fair Trade and Gift Shop projects in supporting disadvantaged communitie...